
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Soal Latihan Error Recognition SMK (Part II)

Posted by at 8:05 AM Read our previous post
Puji syukur ke hadirat Allah Yang Maha Besar, yang telah memberikan kesempatan bagi kami untuk berbagi soal-soal latihan UN lagi. Dalam kesempatan ini, kami mencoba untuk berbagi soal latihan error recognition bagi siswa SMK yang akan menghadapi Ujian Nasional Tahun 2013. Error recognition, memerlukan ketelatenan dalam mengerjakannya, maka dari itu kami sarankan anda perlu banyak latihan soal sehingga 'sense of English' anda muncul di bagian ini ^_^. Berikut latihan soal error recognition yang bisa dipakai untuk latihan :

1. Beny   : "I think the government should take action in the national football problem."
    Rega   : "Why do you think it should be so?"
    Beny   :  "I think if the government doesn't take action in the national football problem as soon as
                  possible, there would be a possibility that FIFA suspends our national team in international
                                            C                                                                                     D

2. Grace  : "Whom is the person you talked to just now?"
    Evan    : "He is Olivier Giroud. He is one of the Arsenal football players."
    Grace  : "I see. Where does he come from?
    Evan    : "I think he is France because his English accent is a little bit weird."

3. Jenny  : "I just love looking at Maria Selena."
    Putri   : "Really? What do you love from her?"

    Jenny  : "It is her smile. She looks very beauty when smiling. Furthermore, she is a friendly person."
                                                                 B                  C
    Putri   : "I think those are some reasons why she was chosen as 'Putri Indonesia' in 2012."

4. Endro  : "Why did you choose that shirt? It is expensive isn't it?
    Doni    : "I don't think so. It is cheaper than the others and fits to my body as well."
    Endro  : "If I were you, I would choose the one hung on the left side. The material is more smooth,
                  and it is not too expensive for us."

5. Black  : "Why do you look so upset?

    Green : "Nothing. I just failed in my TOEIC test two days ago."
    Black  : "Poor you. Why don't you take a TOEIC preparation course and retake the test?"
    Green  : "I don't think I can. The test items are so confused. Looking at them makes me distressed."
                                                                                     C            D

Demikian update soal latihan error recognition kali ini, semoga bisa dijadikan sebagai bahan referensi dalam belajar mempersiapkan UN 2013 yang tinggal menghitung hari.

Apabila anda kesulitan dalam mengerjakan soal error recognition, anda bisa melihat di:

Sekian, semoga bermanfaat. Terima kasih ^_^


  1. pak tolong update latihan soal listening dong ?

  2. 1. C ( It should be "will be" )
    2. B ( It should be "player" )
    3. B ( It should be "beautiful" )
    4. C ( It should be "more smooth than or smoother than? I dont know the right answer" )
    5. C ( It should be "confusing" )

    Those are my answers. I wish you could check my answers and tell me if I had some mistakes. Thanks before :)

  3. 1. C ( It should be "will be" ) if clause bentuk ke-1
    2. D ( It should be "french" ) menyatakan orang prancis
    3. C ( It should be "smile" ) don't think so. but, i choose this
    4. C ( It should be "smoother" ) smooth don't use more karena 1 suku. kata, jadi tinggal ditambah er
    5. C ( It should be "confusing" ) confused artinya bingung. confusing artinya membingungkan. cukup jelas.. any corection please?

  4. 1. C (will be) alasan if clause type 1
    2. D (french) karena france itu Negara, yang dimaksud di sini kewarganegaraannya yaitu French
    3. B (beautiful) kata "very" selalu diikuti adjective, sedangkan "beauty" adalah "noun". Bentuk adjective nya yaitu "beautiful"
    4. C (smoother) smooth diucapkan dengan 1 suku kata, maka bentuk comparative nya "smooth + (-er)"
    5. C (confusing) ini masalah meaning saja.. Confused = bingung sedangkan confusing = membingungkan. apabila dimasukkan ke dalam soal, maka "The test items are so confusing"

  5. buatin test onlinenya dong biar buat latihan


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