Saturday, January 26, 2013

Near Future (going to)

Posted by at 10:08 AM
Near Future

Study the following examples and try to see how the verbs are formed and used to express future plan. 

Next Saturday, I'm playing tennis with Tom at 10:00 am.
I'm having lunch with some friends in a Chinese restaurant at 12:30.
In the afternoon, I'm going to stay at home.
At 8:00 pm, I'm going to call on Alice; she's having a birthday party.

Notice that these situations are arranged and decided. (I decided to play tennis on Saturday at 10:00...) We can not use simple future in these cases. We use instead either:
  • Present continuous for future plan, or
  • "to be + going to + verb"
1. The present continuous for future plans:
The present continuous for future plan is used when we say what we have arranged to do at a specific time in the future. (It's an intention)
  • I'm doing my homework this evening.
  • Are you watching television?
  • No, I'm not watching television. I'm doing my homework.
2. To be + going to + verb:

We use 'going to' when we say what we've decided to do some time in the future. (It's a decision)
:" The windows are dirty." "Yes I know. I'm going to clean them later."
 = "I've decided to clean them ,but I haven't arranged to clean them"
to be ( in the simple present) +going to+ verb
  • I'm going to travel to England next weekend.
  • Are you going to visit London?
  • No, I'm not going to visit London. I'm going to visit Liverpool.
We don't usually say "going to go to a place or event", instead you can drop the go to and just say "going to + a place or event".
  • I'm going to England.
  • I'm going to the concert

Simple Future

Posted by at 9:52 AM
Simple Future
Di postingan ini, kita akan mempelajari Simple Future dalam hal:
·         bentuknya
·         dan penggunaannya

Bentuk Simple Future:
Kalimat Simple Future dibentuk dengan cara sebagai berikut:
will / 'll + verb
will = 'll (will bisa disingkat dengan cara 'll)

Bentuk affirmative (biasa kita sebut dengan kalimat positif)
I, you, he, she, it, we, they
will / ''ll
·         I think I'll buy a new computer.
·         I will open the door. Someone is ringing the bell.

Bentuk interrogative (biasa kita sebut dengan kalimat tanya)
I, you, he, she, it, we, they
·         Will you buy a computer?
·         Will you go to the party?

Bentuk negative (biasa kita sebut dengan kalimat negatif)
I, you, he, she, it, we, they
will not
will not = won't (will not bisa kita singkat dengan won't)
·         I will not stay at home if I finish the homework.
·         I won't visit Big Ben if I go to London.

Fungsi Kalimat Simple Future
  • Digunakan untuk menyatakan keputusan yang mendadak atau tindakan sukarela.
    Contoh: "I've left the door open; I'll close it."
  • Digunakan untuk menyatakan prediksi.
    Example: "She'll pass the exam. She's hardworking"
  • Digunakan untuk menyatakan janji.
    Example: "Believe me, I will always love you"
1. Kita tidak menggunakan simple future (will) untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terencana di masa depan. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu di masa depan, kita menggunakan "to be + going to + V1 atau Present Continuous.
                        Ann is traveling to New York next week. (NOT, "Ann will travel ")
·         Are you going to watch television? (NOT "will you watch").

2. Anda bisa menggunakan shall untuk menggantikan will khusus untuk subyek I dan we:
·         I shall play football.(Or, I will play ...)
·         We shall play football. (Or, we will play ...)

3. 'll adalah bentuk singkat (contraction) dari will. Anda bisa menggunakan:
·         I will go, atau
·         I 'll go.

4. Won't adalah bentuk singkat (contraction) dari  will not. Anda bisa menggunakan:
·         I will not go, atau
·         I won't go.

Past Perfect Tense

Posted by at 9:16 AM
Past Perfect Tense

Dalam postingan ini kita akan mempelajari tentang kalimat Past Perfect Tense. Secara umum Past Perfect Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi sebelum kejadian yang lain di masa lampau.

Bentuk kalimat past perfect tense:
Past Participle Form

I had worked.
I had not worked.
had I worked?
You had worked.
You had not worked.
had you worked?

I had not worked = I hadn't worked
I had worked = I'd worked

Fungsi Kalimat Past Perfect Tense:
Digunakan untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi sebelum kejadian yang lain di masa lampau.

Pelajari kalimat berikut ini:
·          "President Lincoln had attended the theater regularly before his assassination."
·          "They had had lunch when I arrived."

Present Perfect Continuous / Progressive

Posted by at 9:09 AM
Present perfect continuous
This page will present the present perfect continuous tense:
·         its form
·         and its use

The form of the present perfect continuous:
Have (in the simple present)
verb + ing

I have been working.
I have not been working.
Have you been working?

I have been driving = I've been driving
I have not been driving = I haven't been driving
He has been sleeping = He's been sleeping
He has not been sleeping = He hasn't been sleeping
·         I have been studying English for two years.
·         Have you been studying English for two years?
·         She's been revising her lessons.
·         She hasn't been hanging around with her friends.

The use of the present perfect continuous:
1. We use the Present Perfect Continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now indicating a duration. "For an hour", for two weeks", etc ...are used to indicate duration.
·         They have been watching TV for the last three hour.
·         She has been studying at that institution for three years.
·         What have you been doing for the last 30 minutes

2. The present perfect continuous is also used without indication of duration. This use indicates an action that has occurred "lately" or "recently".
·         I have been feeling really tired, recently.
·         She has been smoking too much lately.

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